Right from the start of my MA I knew I wanted to "get to grips with" biblical hermeneutics – what it is I think Christians are doing (or should be) when we read and interpret the Bible. And though I've got more than enough remaining questions to keep me going through a PhD (and no doubt the rest of my life whatever I do afterwards), the course was a great help towards making sense of sense-making. I've said before that I'd like to write down some of the things I've come to understand about hermeneutics as it relates to LGBTQ+ inclusion within the Christian community. Because I strongly believe it's vital to begin with an appreciation of the complexity of the Christian canon and of the weighty task of receiving it in diverse, Spirit-led community together. There's no single definitive "biblical position" and no "safe side" answers: all interpretations involve interpretation, and all of them have consequences. Realistically, it fee...