Graham Adams’ new book had me at the title: Holy Anarchy . It’s his deliberately disruptive re-description of the Kingdom of God – “Kingdom” being a metaphor that has lost its tension to the point where we forget the profound ways that the realm of God is not like the top-down, power-over kingdoms of this world. “Holy Anarchy” stands in opposition to the totalising, dominating impulse of Empire, defying the “False Order”-sustaining lie that “There Are No Alternatives”...a lie that Christian communities, in our preference for certainties and our uncritical valorisation of "order" for order's sake, too readily remain entangled with. TANA is a pretty apt encapsulation of what I was railing against when I wrote this poem... [1] PLEASE PUT YOUR SEATS IN THE UPRIGHT POSITION The skies were never ours to start with – So, you see, we simply had to have them. “Fill the earth,” He said; we said, “but first, the air.” He put a stop to that, initially. But look at us today, Ten t...