Her children rise up and called her blessed... ( Proverbs 31 :28) A character almost as sure to put in an appearance on Mother's Day as Father Christmas at Christmas or the Easter Bunny at Easter is the Proverbs 31 Woman. And, just like Father Christmas and the Easter Bunny, she is often invoked as an inducement towards good behaviour – albeit among adult women craving approval, rather than children craving Hatchimals (I'm told) and chocolate. She is quite something, this 'woman of valour' (as described by her would-be mother-in-law): trustworthy, hardworking, resourceful, loving, kind ... a profitable businesswoman, a respected and effective people manager, a compassionate minister of charity ... well-toned, well-dressed, good-humoured, wise ... an all-round praiseworthy wife and mum. Quite something. Quiiiite ... yeeaah, oh dear, I really do have quite some way to go to begin to match up. As for other women of my acquaintance – well, even those you'd think...