"Now, we can do this the hard way or ... well actually, there's just the hard way." ( S1E1 ) "Didn't anyone warn you about playing with pointy sticks? It's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye." ( S3E2 ) "You know very well, you eat this late ... you're gonna get heartburn. Get it? Heartburn?" ( S4E6 ) "That's all I get? One lame-ass vamp with no appreciation for my painstakingly thought-out puns." ( S4E6 ) "Didn't your mom teach you? Don't play with your food." ( S1E6 ) “If I was at full slayer power, I’d be punning right about now.” ( S3E12 ) Buffy ! I finished watching the 7-season teen-TV spectacular late last autumn, having 'discovered' it at a somewhat advanced age, with the help of my sister, against the anxious life-long advice of our parents (as I've mentioned elsewhere ). What's not to love? Go Buffy! Go women! Go non-patriarchal models of masculini...