It has been brought to my attention that the comment facility on this blog is not functioning correctly, so that on multiple occasions comments have been posted -- apparently successfully -- and have promptly disappeared, without me ever getting to see them, and possibly giving the impression that I had deleted them myself! I cannot say emphatically enough how very sad it makes me to think that any would-be comment-maker might be thinking that I had deleted and/or ignored their thoughts. Especially if they were trying to disagree with me -- I have never had cause to delete a comment but, if I did, I am pretty confident it would not be for that type of reason. I love hearing what people think and how they feel about stuff. I hope I would try to respond thoughtfully and graciously given the opportunity. I think it would take a lot to upset or anger me, at least in the sort of conversation I'd like for this blog to potentially become a part of (ok, so maybe in life generally I'm...