Thanks, Spotify, for kicking off with Moby's ' Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad '. How did you know? Disappointment is hard to deal with, even if it's nothing more poignant or eternally significant than a paper rejection (see email dated 28/04/2012 14:27). When you invest so much of yourself into something it is hard not to feel such a rejection on a personal level. So, OK, it sounds a little melodramatic to speak about this as 'suffering', in the grand scheme of things and all that. It is pretty resoundingly a 'first world problem', as Mr. W would be only too happy to point out to me... if he wasn't the one who'd have to pick up the emotional pieces afterwards. Because there is just no escaping that, on the spectrum of feelings it is possible to feel, this one certainly falls some distance from happy. And yet: "…we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces...